Our sparkly new website takes off

6 July, 2021

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Video footage shot from a drone above Cuba St’s rainbow crossing was one of the finishing touches for our new website, which went live today.

Pep Zuijderwijk from Salted Herring led the new design, strategy, art and user experience.

“After working on many projects with Dragonfly I realised their website didn’t appropriately reflect their culture and the quality and richness of their work. When I suggested a redesign they were immediately on board.”

Throughout the project, Pep says he kept coming back to Dragonfly’s purpose of putting data to good use. He says that good design and clear navigation, plus a high level of polish, convey Dragonfly’s expertise and the quality of the work they produce.

“I’m really pleased with what we’ve created. The combination of clear, concise language and engaging imagery communicates their values instantly. It presents Dragonfly accurately as a science and research organisation rather than a software company.”

It was Pep’s idea to create the video collage on the home page.

“Videos are often used as a window into a company or organisation. It’s very uninspiring if this results in bland shots of people sitting in front of computer screens. I wanted to turn it around and show the diversity and beauty of the data science world that Dragonfly operates in and is very passionate about.”

The new website includes profiles of several new staff, makes more of the images and has expanded information in the What we do section.

“I like the way these pages have a practitioner explaining a technical topic with a personal touch – it keeps it real. I also love the beautiful photography of the team section, so a big shout out to the very talented Carissa Corlett.”

The rest of the in-house web team were the unflappable and dedicated developer Simon Winter and content writer Sarah Wilcox.

“Dragonfly has grown massively in the last 2 years, with 23 staff and associates today. I think this website reflects who they want to be for the next chapter, but stays true to their core values of humility and authenticity.”