Philipp Neubauer keeps the Dragonfly staff supplied with eggs from his lifestyle block in the Wairarapa, about an hour by train from Wellington.
His son Theo, aged “four and three quarters”, decorates the boxes with his drawings of spaceships, roosters, eggs and Pippi Longstocking.
Phil enjoys the flexibility of working remotely and usually commutes to the office three or four days a week.
“It’s the best of both worlds really. I can be around for the family a bit more some days, or come in to town for client meetings. Dragonfly are really flexible — this week I took some leave so my wife could finish her marine biology PhD thesis.”
Long time staff member Katrin Berkenbusch also works from her home on the Otago peninsula.
“It’s great. We use Slack to keep in touch and version control lets us all work on the same documents. Our computers are all connected on our own network as well, so I have access to the same technology here as the rest of the team in Wellington.”